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“I started FundEd Strategies to help schools focus on what really matters: providing a high-quality learning environment for all learners. After several years of working in the charter sector, I witnessed first-hand the disparities in funding. Today, supporting learners, the learning environment, and helping schools and education nonprofits deliver on their missions is what drives me and FundEd Strategies.” - John Campbell, Founder & CEO

FundEd Strategies was launched in 2018 to support schools, education nonprofits, and small to mid-sized organizations start, scale, and sustain their fundraising programs. We are a growing, start-up fundraising consultancy, and one of the few specializing in education reform and charter schools in the country.

In our work we believe in authenticity, equity, empathy, fostering relationships, continuous learning & growth, collaboration, questioning the status quo, and education’s power to transform lives and communities.